Dollhouse Doll Making Tutorial PDF WHP102

$ 11.18 (USD)

By Woolhalla

Make your own dollhouse dolls with this tutorial that shows you how! 19 page tutorial includes instructions for making the fabric heads, how to attach them to bendy doll bases (not included), and add faces, hair, as well as basic clothing patterns for both small (child) and large (adult) sizes.

This tutorial is designed to go with bendy doll bases available from HERE (unfortunately there have been supply issues, please check stock availability)

This pattern can be downloaded directly after checkout. A link will also be included in you r order confirmation email.

Please note: Doll bases from other companies may be different, you may need to adjust and adapt the patterns and instructions in this tutorial.

This tutorial is a PDF in English.  You can download Adobe Reader for free at if you need a program to view PDF’s.

This is a pattern to make you own bendy dolls and not already-made dolls. It does not include the doll bases or materials to make dolls (can be ordered separately). Woolhalla patterns are are copyrighted, not to be shared or resold. No refunds are given for this Dollhouse Doll making Tutorial PDF.

*If there are any issues downloading the PDF, please email Bear Dance Crafts!!*